Bio:Wayne Haag

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This is an ISFDB biography page for Wayne Haag. It is intended to contain a relatively brief, neutrally-written, biographical sketch of Wayne Haag. Bibliographic comments and notes about the work of Wayne Haag should be placed on Author:Wayne Haag.

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Wayne was born in Melbourne, Australia. He received his BA in Photography with distinction at RMIT in 1994 and started a professional art career matte painting on The Fifth Element and Red Corner at Digital Domain in 1996. He also created mattes painting for Farscape the TV series season 1, The Lord of the Rings films 1 & 2 and most recently completed concept art for the films, The Wolverine, Maze Runner, Unbroken and Gods of Egypt.

Wayne's real passion is painting science fiction in traditional oil paint. From 2013 to present he has painted several interior illustrations and for 2014, the cover paintings for INTERZONE Magazine.

"Everything I’ve learned in the film industry I’m now applying to my own vision which is very exciting. My current SF oil paintings reflect the desire I had to paint traditional matte paintings which I never got the chance to do professionally. Oil painting now allows me to extend beyond just the environment imagery and begin to tell stories set in these worlds".